Yorke Rhodes IV - Developer

New York City

Founding Team, Protocol Architect

Solving fragmentation of blockchain networks with a modular interoperability protocol. Built for seamless developer experience across scaling solutions and rollups. Used by Aave.


April 2022



Part-Time Security Researcher

Reviewing and auditing smart contracts for security vulnerabilities and incentive incompatibilities. Specializing in DeFi and Proof of Stake protocols.


April 2023


San Francisco

Smart Contract Engineer

Built Gauntlet's 1st on-chain protocol: Aera Finance. Risk aware, capital efficient treasury management solution for DAOs. Audited by Spearbit. Would have prevented the Terra collapse.

May 2022

December 2021


San Francisco

Partner, Smart Contracts Lead

Code owner on production contracts for stablecoin and phone number ownership protocols. Orchestrated DAO governance with security oriented contract release process leveraging OpenZeppelin audits and Certora formal verification.

December 2021

March 2020

Contractor, Protocol Engineering

Built first production implementation of Coinbase Rosetta, an abstraction used for exchange accounting, low level tracing of value transfer, and high security offline staking services for Coinbase Custody customers.

March 2020

August 2019

Intern, Protocol Engineering

Implemented Proof of Stake validator features and slashing conditions, optimized oracle exchange rate reporting for stablecoin protocol, and contributed to privacy preserving enhancements to proof of phone number ownership protocol.

August 2019

April 2019

Founder, President

Founded student organization focused on blockchain education, research, development and evangelism. Led 50+ members in maintaining a newsletter, organizing workshops, and meeting with industry professionals. Repeat host of Houston Ethereum Meetup.

May 2020

September 2017

Faculty Instructor

Taught full-credit course (2x) in the CoFES Institute alongside Professor Manolo Sanchez and Topl founder / CTO James Aman.

May 2020

September 2018

Student, Computer Science BSE

May 2020

September 2016


New York City

Intern, Blockchain Garage

Developed the IBM Blockchain Starter Kit: an open-source bootstrap tool for applications on Hyperledger. Includes build, test, deploy framework for goLang and NodeJS. Shipped a CLI for vastly improved developer experience.

August 2018

May 2018


New York City


Built the first Token Curated Registry for the adChain registry, a whitelist of trusted advertisers for consumption by token holding web publishers. Shipped a generic ERC20 voting standard with partial locking and commit reveal scheme.

August 2017

May 2017


Worked on early smart contract prototypes like Proof of Physical Address: an automated protocol for verifying mailing address ownership with secrets sent via snail mail.

August 2016

June 2016

Bronx Science

New York City

Robotics Programming & Electronics Lead

Lead highly selective and competitive FRC team. Established freshmen Java, SolidWorks, and Eagle CAD bootcamps. Implemented PID fine motor controls and computer vision techniques

May 2016

September 2015


Honor Roll and National Honors Society member. Alumni include Turing Award recipients Leslie Lamport and Martin Hellman.

May 2016

September 2012

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